Yes, this is an AARP commercial and I really like it...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Just call me McGiver...

So I thought I was really tan the other day then became quite disgusted when I realized my tan wiped off

Walking through the market on my quest for a ripe Ova (Luganda for Avocado) I stepped on a board that created a path over a large chasm and the board snapped and I somehow caught myself

Two nights ago Megan and I wanted some wine and the place we were eating didn't sell any... so started on our quest for some dry white wine (since all the wine here is warm dry is better than sweet because warm sweet wine is like syrup). After trying unsuccessfully at 5 places we ended up at "Friendly's bar". The owner took us all over town trying to find a place that sold bottles of wine. As we were approaching what would be called a sidewalk, there was this large cement square... part of me said don't step on it right as I did... sure enough the thing came flipping up and Fred (the owner of Friendly's) quickly reached out and caught me as my right leg was half way down a manhole... thank goodness for the quick reflexes of a short Ugandan man.

I gave my host sister money to buy me varnish (nail polish) and remover so I don't get ripped off... we'll see what color she picked for me. I was joking today that in all this down time I think I've been more manicured in the 17 days I've been in Africa than I have in the last year... my nails are nicely trimmed, eyebrows shaped, feet scrubbed daily - hmm.... could this be a positive about Uganda?

Freckles here are called pimples and if you drink just warm water they ask if you have the flu... If you feel ill the immediate thought is Malaria and if it turns out to not be Malaria then you have the flu :)~

I was at church today - the kids stared less today than last week as I sat in the plastic yard chair on the dirt floor under the scorching sheet metal roof. I was fanning myself as the heat radiated down...looking over I questioned how the locals could possibly be sitting with their 3 piece suits, long sleeve shirts and sweaters... I felt I was getting a contact tan from the heat.

Speaking of tanning... the notion of a tan or wanting a tan is a totally foreign concept. I've tried explaining to my family I want to even my tan lines out so that's the good thing about having like 65 days left here to fix the funky lines I already have in these few days... but the idea about wanting to be darker is too far of a concept to capture.

I purchased a loaf of bread the other day - I thought it'd be a better choice than the ginger cookies to serve as a vehicle to my belly for the peanut butter... After embracing the idea the loaf was hard as a rock and about 5 lbs... I opened the package to find a dead fly smashed to the heel - appetizing.

I almost passed out at work on Friday - the manager came in and was insistent that I watch the removal of a birth control implant. About an hour before the procedure my head started to hurt badly, from the back of my head, up my jaw to the top of my head... Entering the exam room I focused on trying to figure out why my head/jaw was hurting so bad. After giving local anesthesia in the woman's under arm, out comes the blade and tongs... I tried not to look - glancing over once to see what was far too graphic to write... all turned black... knees buckled as I excused myself to sit outside... after a short time outside I removed the headband I was wearing that was extremely tight and immediately felt the symptoms and ailments disappear... perhaps I'll try watching another one to confirm the near fainting episode was in fact due to the overly tight headband.

I spent a lot of time on Friday at work in the Lab watching Geofery do HIV/AIDS testing. Quite a primitive procedure in terms of the technology they have and use... again - amazing at what can be done when people work with what they have. One very interesting and perplexing thing to me was that oral and anal sex was not discussed as a mode of transmission and condoms were only distributed if the client asked for them... so of course I offered them like crazy :~)

And for the record - after a unanimous vote - Frickadelly has the BEST BATHROOM in Masaka! So much so that it's worth the wait (I know... too much info)...

Armed with Duck Tape and Safety Pins...Just call me McGuiver...

When a friend of mine recommended I bring duck tape to Africa I must admit I thought it was a bit overboard considering how many other items I was bringing... but of course, I packed it anyway.

When unpacking my room contemplating how I was going to unpack all my items... like socks and hair accessories I was a bit stumped... then... like a light bulb over McGiver's head when he used chewing gum to fix the broken car, my eyes focused on the safety pins. Next thing you know I'm making pouches out of fabric and hanging them from the clothing bar in my room.

Last night I woke to sprinkles of water on my face. Seeing as how few things surprise me anymore in Africa it took me a minute to assess the situation. As my eyes and ears came to focus I realized the rain once again had come, this time with much fury. The winds howled as the doors and windows in the house clanked. With the wind came sideways rain that of course came right through into my room (windows are just bars and a screen). Next thing you know it's 3:30am and I am ripping pieces of duck tape and applying them to my towels, strategically taping them to my wall to serve as a barrier from the pounding rain. By the time I had finished the water had come into my room so much that my books were damaged, papers flooded, 1/2 my bed wet... guess that counts as my shower :)~