Yes, this is an AARP commercial and I really like it...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Wow am I FULL...

Sitting here at Frickadelle (what's new) and after chowing down on a large bowl of spaghetti I learned they have fruit bowls! What?!?!?!?! So, for the equivalent of $2.50 I just managed to put down an 8" bowl FILLED with pineapple, papaya, watermelon, banana, passion fruit, ice cream AND chocolate chunks - YUM!!!!

So - since I always write about Frickadelle, please check out the work all the profits of my eating help support... (in the "About Us" section - those people are still here and have ANOTHER baby - a month old.... I couldn't imagine having a baby out of the US. When I was at Marie Stopes when they were talking to women about to give labor they encouraged them to go buy all their own supplies in the event there was a shortage at the hospital... going with your own razor blade, gloves, bed sheet, alcohol... wow!

Anyhow - I have a NEW placement! I have been placed at TASO - a primarily AIDS organization ( I am not exactly sure what my time there will look like but from what I hear, after the first week or two of orientation I can expect to spend Monday/Tuesday in the clinic working with Women on reproductive health issues, Wednesdays floating around, Thursday/Friday in the field learning about health systems and what health delivery looks in practice. The manager also expressed a need to grow the youth program because... there is a GREAT need to talk to the youth about the IMPORTANCE of condom use - yet as I touched upon in an earlier blog - there is a fear that talking to youth about condom use will condone sexual behavior instead of produce educated kids that have the necessary information to make safe decisions when they come to a point in their life when they choose to participate in sex. So we'll see... lots of opportunity from what it sounds like. I just pray I can live up to their expectations and that my eyes and ears will be open to the perfect project/program to implement in my remaining 2 months...
Sunrise 4/24/2009

A flower in the grass on my walk this morning

A child at Nazareth Orphanage

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