Yes, this is an AARP commercial and I really like it...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More of typical Uganda

Well today was my first day of work, I was there at 9am, sat there for 3 hours doing absolutely nothing and then asked if I could go home. The clinic is nice but it's a bit frustrating - they didn't have my paperwork, said I have to go to Kampala to talk to the main office to get clearance to work - I told them no... they need to figure it out with FSD. So at noon I left, defeated once again after feeling like things were starting to settle and be okay.

As for my home, the toilet doesn't flush - you have to pour water down it to make it flush and the electricity has been off in Masaka for the past two days. I'm getting pretty good with the bucket bath and told my family peanuts and tea doesn't cut it for breakfast for me so I asked for two boiled eggs and fruit every morning.. we'll see.

I saw a HUGE cockroach in my house yesterday - it was on it's back, I thought it was dead, all the girls were laughing and then it hopped up and took off running then they were chasing it to get it outside.

The weather here today is nice - no sign of rain in sight and I'm at this place called Frickadelly that has free wireless Internet (at 45 kbps) so it's SUPER slow but a nice.

I'm hoping tomorrow at work is better... I figured I need to give it a week before I flip out and start crying again saying this was a dumb choice to come here. The days and nights are SOOOOOOOO LONG and the thought of another 69 days here at times is a lot to comprehend.

I guess in the end even if the experience never gets better at least I'll know and won't spend the rest of my life wondering what would have been had I come.

In other news - at the local hotel where we spent a lot of time, the hand soap I thought I was using turns out to be an air freshener like that used in urinals... Two days ago I was standing outside talking to Adam on the phone and these things that looked like aunts with dragonfly wings were flying and when they hit the ground their wings fall off and they crawl away - but the chickens were loose in the yard and were running all around eating them... it was strange. I went to church on Sunday with my host sisters - it was an enjoyable experience and the funniest thing was the kids who couldn't stop staring at me... to the point this one little kid would stare so much his mouth dropped open and his older brother would turn and push his head forward and moments later the little kid would turn around... mouth drop open... and the older kid would push his head forward again.... hysterical...

Okay - more to come later...

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