Yes, this is an AARP commercial and I really like it...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Seeds for Change

On Tuesday May 26th, I arrived at Grace’s house (Grace is the chair person for the group) and was greeted by 16 individuals ready and eager to learn about fruit tree grafting. The training was a joy to watch. The group broke into smaller groups and were given fruit trees to practice grafting after the demonstration. The trees were then labeled “team 1”, “team 2”, three and four. We are going to have a competition to see whose tree is successfully living at the end of June.

Wednesday I returned just prior to 2:00pm and was surprised some group members were ready and waiting for vegetable training. Knowing the great majority of people in Africa arrive more than “fashionably late” I was excited that all members of the group arrived by 2:30, and had come prepared to pay their 5,000 shilling monetary contribution to participate in the project. We started the session with training and Margaret, the trainer from Vi, showed the group how to make pots out of banana fibers (similar to the bark of a tree but it is thin like a leaf). Margaret stressed the lack of a polyurethane bag is not a good reason to fail to plant seeds and to look around the house for usable items to fill with dirt as many things can be suitable planters, but the best is banana fibers as they are natural and can be buried directly in the ground after the seeds have sprouted. From a distance I observed one of Grace’s younger boys watching intently. All of seven or eight, Whaswa grabbed a banana fiber, rolled it up like a tube, took a smaller piece and stuck it through the center, wrapped it around the sides like a Christmas present and walked very proud and confident to the group, firmly presenting it on the table. The crowd broke out in applause and my heart leapt as I thought “Yes, this is what it’s about – teaching the skills for generations to come!”

Thursday was spent walking around to stores I had previously visited informing them I was coming first thing this morning to pick up all the supplies for the project – hoping my notification would prompt some sort of preparation so pick up would be quick and easy.

Friday, the clouds rolled in with great fury. “Typical” I thought. It has not rained in days and now, with a number of errands and items to purchase and distribution to do, the rain poured from the sky. For two hours I sat at the Vi office making final preparations to the seed bags, making tags for the different seedlings and double counting the remaining money. Peering out the window, I prayed for the rains to cease and the sun to break so the day could be an enjoyable success, opposed to a soggy muddy one. Literally 10 minutes before departure, like a kink in a hose, the rains stopped and the sun shone bright. Blue sky peaked out.

Arriving at the stores I was at just a day earlier, the store clerk began to re-negotiate, offering me one product when I was quoted another, telling me a 2,000 shilling rake was better than the 3,500 rake. On Thursday, the clerk offered me the handles for the rakes at 500 shillings each, and the hoes for free, Friday she wanted to charge. I told her the option was to be true to her word and proceed as we agreed a day earlier or she can lose the entire order and I will go elsewhere with my 323,000 shillings. Rolling her eyes she instructed the boys to load up what we agreed to … I then explained I was taking the 40 nails she was trying to charge me for, free of charge, as she did not tell me nails were needed to secure the rake to the handle and she should have when we were discussing price and the order.

At another store I purchased 4 scratched, rusty, “new”, wheelbarrows for 63,000 shillings each. They were 65,000, I tried for 60,000 but the store clerk was firm…or perhaps I was weak. Part of me has a very difficult time negotiating price here knowing the equivalent of everything is SO inexpensive as compared to the US, but the other part of me understands that everyone is expected to negotiate and that Mzungus are consistently overcharged so even with my negotiated price, I still pay more than a local.

Driving down the long road to Grace’s house, passersby stared more than usual as the little white pickup loaded with 4 wheelbarrows, 19 watering cans, rakes, hoes, shovels, slashers and a plethora of other supplies flew by. Turning into her yard, members anxiously awaited my arrival with new supplies to make their days a little easier and help execute this Seeds for Change project.

Overjoyed, each member came, shook my hand or offered a hug as they exclaimed “sank you, sank you berry much Madam”. I continually strive to impact individuals with small things, always remembering it is often the little things that make the big difference. I truly wish you each could have been there with me. Those of you who contributed to this trip, be it monetary donation prior to my departure which I spent on these tools, support for my program fees, or prayer and emotional support have all directly made possible this Seeds for Change project and your generosity has changed, and will continue to change the lives of these people forever.

From them – through me – to you – “Sank you, sank you berry much!”

Preparations: Seeds for distribution
Seeds were distributed in individual baggies so each member simply picked up an envelope with all their sorted seeds enclosed.
Day 1: Fruit Tree Grafting
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Day 2: Vegetable gardening, Whaswa making banana fiber planters
Finished planters
Admiring his hard work

Distribution Day

Sukima Wiki (aka Swiss Chard) Seedlings

Purple Eggplant Seedlings

A special thanks to Megan Fields for taking the photos on distribution day!

Friday, May 22, 2009

To live peacefully is to die quietly

One thing that never fails to make me laugh is the sheer appreciation for the little things. Throughout the past 50 days when sharing the highs and lows of this experience an all too often response has been “well now at least you’ll appreciate what you have”… I appreciated what I had before I came – I didn’t need this experience and the buckets of tears and wrestles nights to make me realize how blessed I am… but never did I think using soap that wasn’t diluted down so that it actually bubbles on your hands would make me so happy. Never did I imagine I would ration my instant macaroni and covet my neighbor’s washing machine. My supervisor at Vi has a washing machine at her house and the other night when I was over there I heard this hum that sounded familiar but I couldn’t quite place it… suddenly I recognized… my goodness… she has a washing machine. I have spent the last two weeks begrudgingly scrubbing my clothes in buckets in the burning sun fantasizing about my return home and my nice big washing machine.

I believe I have a new addiction – perhaps not believe, but know I have a new addiction. Honey. This past weekend the FSD team went away and stayed at these little cottages (photos below). For breakfast they served us pancakes… pancakes – what a glorious day it was… anyhow – they served them with honey and since that day I can’t get the taste out of my mouth. It’s really quite strange and I feel funny but I’ll be sitting at work and find myself day dreaming about returning home to dash in my room and tear open the jar of honey. Yesterday I made myself a peanut butter, honey and banana sandwich for lunch. I figured while I was making it, though breakfast was prepared I would help myself to ½ a sandwich to go with my eggs and fruit. Departing the house with my sammy in hand for lunch I couldn’t stop thinking about it. The sweet taste and the crunchy texture that occurs as the honey dries on the bread reminds me of Crème Brule. I don’t think I was at work more than two hours and I tore the lid off the container and dove in, devouring ever last crumb of the dry bread and gooey sweetness. Returning home I found myself rushing to my room to pour some out on a few cookies – I felt like Pooh bear as honey ran down my fingers. Houston we have a problem!

On Tuesday training begins for my Seeds for Change project and I’m quite excited. I have been working on my budget for two days and have found a way to make it work. Each group member needs to pay 5,000 shillings as their monetary contribution. Granted this comes out to about $2.50 but here it’s a rather hefty contribution. The reason for assessing the group members a small fee is to help insure their commitment and sense of ownership in the training and materials…and stays in line with my distain for mere hand outs. I do not simply want to provide the group with training, but with the tools necessary to implement the training to further solidify the teachings. In my opinion, nothing is worse than sitting there for hours listening to a training of some sort then getting sent home with no way to apply it and next thing you know the knowledge has slipped away. With my seed grant from FSD I will have enough money to purchase 12 different types of vegetable seeds and mango, avocado, passion fruit and lemon seedlings (already sprouted fruit trees) for the group. Prior to departing Boston, a number of people extended their generosity by loading me up with gobs and gobs of school and education supplies for the kids here, while others offered money for me to purchase needed items with after accessing the needs. The school supplies have been distributed to 5 different organizations and when Adam comes, I’ll divide up the half of the donations I couldn’t carry as the donation bag already exceeded 70lbs and distribute those as well. With the money people contributed I am going to purchase supplies and provide each member of the group tools for their land. Thanks to the monetary donations of a handful of people, there is enough money to purchase a hoe, rake, shovel, slasher (a blade used to cut the grass or weeds), watering can, razor blades for grafting the trees and the plastic bags necessary for planting the seeds. Additionally, for the group the money will purchase 5 wheelbarrows, pesticide and a pesticide sprayer. The cost to supply the group with these tools is 407,950 shillings or $203.98... or $8.16 a person. I absolutely cannot wait to give the group your gifts so THANK YOU!

This Seeds for Change project will not only provide the parents with life skills, but the children as well. Education here in Uganda is a costly venture and even with a good education they may never find work, but if they can learn how to grow food, build things, and take care of each other they will always be able to provide for themselves. Of course my earnest hope is they are successful, but this training will trickle down to them and ensure they are well rounded and equipped for employment and tending to their land.

As for my thesis, I finally came to a starting idea which is a good thing considering I only have 37 days left in country. Pending approval from my advisor I believe I will write on the importance of training individuals on methods to better their lives opposed to merely dolling out aid. Foreign aid is something I have always been interested in and have done prior research on. I can do a literature review on distributing foreign aid vs. training individuals and comparing their efficacy. For my empirical research I can do a case study with my group and use their prior training and the Seeds for Change project. We will see how it goes but there is a possibility my remaining days in country will be extremely busy, working the days in the field on my project and writing my 50-100 page thesis at night – should at least make the days pass quickly.

This past Wednesday I participated in my first step class ever. That’s right… seven Mzungus with their aerobic steps in hand charged a local café and took over. Can you imagine the look on the locals’ faces to walk into the café and see a step DVD projected on the wall and 7 of us stumbling over our blocks and sweating profusely? The experience was surely YouTube worthy, if not to highlight our athletic ability then to show off our fashion as we bounced around in our hiking shoes, sandals, cargo pants and shirts…note to self, bring exercise clothes to Africa next time just in case.

The roller coaster of emotions I have frequently referenced has stayed the course, twisting and turning, throwing me forward and pressing me back. At times I must confess I feel quite inadequate, wondering what on earth I’m doing here. Last week my eyes busted open a raging sea of tears. At the time, I had here 45 days and felt like I had not accomplished or learned anything of substance; very overwhelming, frustrating and confusing situation. I am out of my league in most circumstances and perhaps that is the best place to be. Perhaps we learn best, work our hardest, observe and listen when everything is unfamiliar… because when it is not, we move forward in routine, knowing what we need in order to get through the day. What if our eyes are closed to the great potential possible with our lives because we are sitting in our comfortable chair, eating our tasty food and finding our best thoughts occur as the hot water streams down our bodies in the shower?

More and more lately I am wrestling with the point of aid work which is a HUGE dilemma for me since now I feel my entire career focus is at a crux. Daily I speak with people and tell them tiny little things that can easily improve their life, like eating tablespoon after tablespoon of salt is not healthy and instead of embracing that information I hear “Well this is how we have been raised” as if that justifies the behavior. Or when talking to women whose husbands beat and cheat on them as they try to convince me Adam can’t be as good as I say because their men are so far from… I don’t understand why there has not been a woman’s movement of some sort. Men joke and unashamedly talk about all their affairs, and their justification, “This is Africa”. Sigh, this is Africa seems to be the response to a number of my questions.

I received another note from Annette last night. I feared it was another tear jerking plea that I become her sponsor; pay her school fees and rush to aid her younger orphan siblings. This note however was begging me to ask around to see if anyone had a job for her. She pleaded to find employment so she could pay her own school fees and earn an income so she could send money to her younger brother and sister. I could not imagine what it must be like for a 16 year old to bear such pressure, to try so hard to find a solution to a not so simple problem. I must figure out my role in this, if I have one and how much intervention is appropriate. One thing which remains ever present is that I not be reckless in my actions and respond out of emotion without evaluating possible long term ramifications.

Last night conversing with Ruth, I brought up the fact I am confused with the treatment women endure from men. She said women are in a difficult spot because more women work at home while the men works out, meeting friends, networking with people. I stated how I found it very unusual that Africa has had a number of women presidents, while the US never has and women remain so oppressed here. Ruth brought it back to a money issue and the fact men control the parliament so when women’s rights bills come up they simply delay acting on them. She said for a woman to live in peace is to die quietly. The notion is a very difficult concept for me to embrace.

I did not come to change people, their way of life, or impart any “great wisdom”, I made that mistake once before when I went to Sierra Leone with all the ideas and thoughts of what I would do… this time my intention was to come and learn and see firsthand because how can change ever occur from reading biased information or the accounts of someone’s experience. I had to come for myself, to give it my all. I spent the weekend plagued with discovering my intentions – did I come here to build my career or learn directly what challenges people face to determine ways I can be better informed and make change? In the end, I came for the latter. If my career never goes the way I thought it would there has to be something redeeming in this experience, and there will be, regardless of whether or not I ever see the fruits of the labor. I came to find those who want help to help themselves. Not aid, but knowledge and information.

From sex trafficking to reproductive health to studying health systems and now gardening, I guess I am still doing some good, learning and working on improving health.

Perhaps it's a lofty thought, but what if this project decreases parental ignorance and confines which seem to perpetuate poverty and malnutrition. For generations to come, the kids and their kids and so on will increase in health and nutritious eating because their parents were trained and provided with the Seeds for Change.

Lake Nabogabu

A few members of the group I will be working with. Grace is in the White and Blue dress

Sorry, I had to put another one of Herbert up - he's so cute!

In the back of a truck, full of produce, holding on tight so as to not fly out with all the bumps

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Herbert - it's a good name for a baby goat right?
Out at the home of an individual who received training from Vi

What about Larry for this lil' guy...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day flowers

The sun is finally starting to break through the overcast sky as I sit here in a wooden chair, listening to the birds chirp, trying to calm, to sooth this heavy little heart of mine. A slight breeze blows producing an occasional chill, yet the feeling of suffocation that often accompanies the emotion of longing for her hinders me from entering the stuffy shelter inside.

My mood is quite somber today. Days like today I struggle with regret reflecting on opportunities missed to really cherish her, love her, enjoy her and acknowledge what a wonderful mother she was. My mind races with all that I would do if I had another opportunity, silly I know as I will never have that privilege. Just a game the mind plays. I mourn this loss and long to sit and laugh with her, cry and be consoled, call and hear her voice, be near and smell the heartwarming scent that belonged to only her.

Her passing four years ago came as such a shock. Having seen her just 10 days earlier, I didn’t anticipate returning from Africa to learn death had swallowed up life. Cheated, I missed the opportunity to share the great adventure with her, not only of my life transforming time in Africa, but of all that I had and have yet to experience.

Sitting here in Africa once again, where death touches so many, I feel my emotions are inappropriate and instead of bitter sorrow, I should be elated with joy, blessed and thankful for the 23 years we shared together… but I am not, I want more and selfishly and inappropriately feel owed more.

I continue to think the longing will lessen, the tears will fade, the anger and sorrow will cease. But days like today, I am overwhelmed and alone.

Here in Africa, listening to the birds chirp, feeling the sun rays break through the clouds, I am sitting here, crying, in a wooden chair, yearning for my mom.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

So far being 28 is off to a fantastic start!

Today I had some fresh veggies and added a can of chicken Adam and Kalyn sent… though I’m not going to lie, canned chicken takes some getting used in my opinion.

Last week at Frickadelly I bumped into a girl who asked if I had met Bridget and Bruce yet, a Canadian couple who started a project out in the village, totally away from other development or Muzungu projects. I had not, so she passed their website information on to me.

Yesterday, Bruce pulled up to the bakery in his tattered ivory truck, rolled down the window and yelled “Hey Muzungu”… I smiled and climbed in. The truck slid around the road a bit thanks to the slippery mud from the rain and Bruce proceeded to tell me the basics about The Tekera Resource Center (their webpage is really underdeveloped but the project is amazing!...maybe I can find someone willing to donate time to make them a new web page that would accurately represent the stellar program going on in Tekera...)

In short, there is a plantation and people from the village have an opportunity to come and work the ground to earn Pecos (their local project currency) and then the Pecos can be used to pay for clinic visits or school fees. The produce which the community harvested is then sold here in Masaka to the “nice” hotels and restaurants, the proceeds sustain the clinic.

Another income generating venture is charge the batteries of cell phones for members of the community at a cost of 500 shillings. Having 6 solar panels, the compound is never without electricity, unlike much of the village.

Another revenue generating project is the selling of pine tree seedlings. They plant the seeds and sell the trees when they are only a few inches big and are now teaching people the income potential growing pine trees can have. The challenge with this is that pine trees have a long maturation process (10-15 years I’m told) but have a very high yield of profit as pine is what the furniture is made out of…so the ends justify the wait if people can just focus on the pay day.

They also have a school (first in the village) and the kids are WAY behind! So... the teachers teach in the morning then hold study sessions in the evening and classes on Saturday trying to catch the kids up. The founders don't believe in child sponsorship because they think it's too selective and doesn't promote equality or have an element of sustainability, whereas teacher sponsorship has a far greater lasting impact on the community.

Anyhow, on Monday I am going to inquire if TASO goes to Tekera to offer services. If not, I'm going to see if there is a need/desire for services in Tekera. TASO used to have a healthy eating community group which encouraged positive patients to make adjustments to their diet as a way to increase their overall health condition.

After following Bridget around for the day on a tour of the village and doing home visits, my biggest interest at the moment is to start a women's cooperative group. There are a number of women I met who have a good amount of land that is totally going unused, and they are hard pressed to make a living. The problem is they are single women with a lot of kids (4-8) and simply don't have the time or resources to prepare, plant and maintain the land in order for it to produce for them. I want to do a bit of research about co-ops and see if the women would be interested in pooling their land together, using one plot for say pigs, one for chickens, one for a bakery, one for produce and so on... then the 5 (or however many) of them could work the ground together, sharing equally in the work, profits and losses... and within that there would be a component of a savings account so that a certain amount of proceeds each week go to this account so that when things happen (like this woman whose house collapsed with the rain the other night and now she's homeless with 8 kids) would have access to an emergency reserve of money to build her a new house.

Of course I’m staying realistic, realizing I only have 2 months left here and the full scope of the project may be too great, however, the beauty of sustainability is that I should simply be able to start it and have it take off on its own... we'll see what I can start - maybe even something super small and not as large scale as this but hey - dreams are good right :~)

As far as my birthday…
The day was WONDERFUL! Adam stayed up to call me first thing in the morning, my host sister Esther, gave me a beautiful necklace and wrap. Another host sister Annette, made me a lovely card.

I went to work early the morning to catch everyone before they headed out to the field. I spoke with the head counselor and told him I'm interested in reproductive health issues - perhaps more specifically now, educating positive women on the risks of pregnancy and family planning methods available to avoid pregnancy should she choose that is what's best for her. Perhaps, I could create an awareness group where positive mothers go speak to young girls in schools or in the community about the importance of using condoms and other family planning methods such as abstinence and birth control. Maybe the women can talk about living a positive life and all the choices and precautions to take not only if you're positive, but if you're negative too. Or maybe I could start a peer support group where the mothers (or expectant mothers) can get together and find support in their shared experience and circumstance. Many of the women have been saying they are alone and lacking emotional support to face the situation they now find themselves in. Who knows, at least I have a few ideas now.

After I finished running around Moses, took me to his office. Standing on a chair he pulled a medium sized keyboard down from the top shelf and proceeded to play and sing happy birthday to me. It was so sweet. He then played a few of his favorite church songs (taking advantage of the captive audience as a way to showcase his talent) - it was very sweet.

I then went to Frickadelly, had a pizza and a fruit salad – YUM.

Then went to the post office and the two packages Kalyn and Adam packed arrived (splendid!)… and then the bank that had previously told me they wouldn’t convert my money because it was printed in 2004 decided they would exchange it.

Then we had dinner at 10 Tables… we showed up and the restaurant had sprinkled flower petals on the floor all around the table and on the table and Adam had contacted Megan (a fellow intern) and had her buy me some flowers and a sappy card…awe…

Around Tekera
In the village, a girl with a 5 gallon jug full of water

The big 28
Ugandan's tend to not smile in photos
Group birthday photo
Holding my first two care packages...
Moses singing to me
The biggest cockroach ever... a good 6" with tip to toe